Welcome back to our Weekly Market Stats update, where we bring you the latest insights into the dynamic real estate landscape of the Raleigh-Durham area. Let’s dive into the numbers and trends for the past 7 and 14 days:

New Listings: 1376 In the last two weeks, the Raleigh-Durham area has welcomed 1376 new listings, indicating a robust influx of properties onto the market.

Back on Market: 282 282 properties have returned to the market, offering new opportunities for prospective buyers.

Pending Sales: 4997 The high level of pending sales, totaling 4997, highlights the strong demand and active real estate activity in the area.

Price Changes: 1661 With 1661 price changes in the past 14 days, it’s essential for both buyers and sellers to stay informed about market dynamics.

Homes Sold: 1623 1623 homes found new owners, showcasing the vibrant sales market in Raleigh-Durham.

Expired Listings: 169 While most properties found success, 169 listings expired, emphasizing the importance of strategic marketing and pricing.

Open House Events: 3788 Open house events attracted significant attention, with 3788 opportunities for potential buyers to explore homes in person.


New Listings: 856 In the most recent week, 856 new listings have been introduced to the market, maintaining a healthy pace.

Back on Market: 149 149 properties returned to the market, giving buyers more options to consider.

Pending Sales: 4997 The consistency in pending sales, remaining at 4997, underlines the sustained demand for real estate in the area.

Price Changes: 980 In the past 7 days, 980 price changes occurred, emphasizing the responsiveness of the market to various factors.

Homes Sold: 983 The strong sales trend continued, with 983 homes finding new owners in the last week.

Expired Listings: 136 While relatively lower, 136 listings expired, reinforcing the need for strategic listing approaches.

Open House Events: 2540 Despite a slight decrease, 2540 open house events provided ample opportunities for potential buyers to explore available properties.

Stay tuned for more weekly updates! Please let us know if you have any thoughts or questions below. We would love to hear from you!