Meet Sam Cox, the artist renowned as Mr Doodle. He has transformed his six-bedroom home in Tenterden, Kent, into a mesmerizing masterpiece known as the Doodle House. In this extraordinary project spanning two years, every inch of the house, from walls to ceiling, floor, and even objects, is adorned with Sam’s signature monochrome, cartoonish-style doodles.

A Doodle Wonderland: The Making of Paradise

Sam utilized an impressive 900 liters of white emulsion paint, 401 cans of black spray paint, 286 bottles of drawing paint, and 2,296 pen nibs. He then brought his childhood dream to life. The result is a ‘living artwork’ that he fondly refers to as ‘paradise.’ The intricate doodles cover diverse surfaces, including the stove, kettle, toaster, bath tub, door knobs, and even the sofa. All, lacquered for protection.

A Whirlwind of Doodles: Every Surface a Canvas

No surface has been left untouched in the Doodle House. From the dining table to windows, door frames, chandeliers, and even the fireplace surround, Sam’s doodle decor has transformed the neo-Georgian mansion built in 1974 into a whimsical wonderland. The 12-room mansion, purchased by Sam for £1.35 million in 2019, underwent a dramatic metamorphosis, with each room boasting a unique theme.

Themes Galore: Dreams, Noah’s Ark, and Beyond

Sam’s creativity knows no bounds.  He themed each room, turning dreams into reality in the bedroom, depicting Noah’s Ark in the hallway, exploring heaven and hell on the staircase, portraying Adam & Eve on the landing, and immersing the bathroom in an oceanic theme. The en-suite bathroom alone required doodling 2,000 tiles with a sea theme, taking two months to complete.

From Dreams to Reality: Sam’s Passion Project

Starting his passion project in September 2020, Sam poured his heart into each room, bringing his childhood inspirations to life. A recent video tour showcases the cloud room, computer room, splash room, and a memory room adorned with family photos. Despite the initial apprehension of the previous owners, who sold the mansion to Sam, he turned their request not to doodle into a whimsical reality.

The Doodling Maestro: Mr Doodle’s Artistic Journey

Sam, a 28-year-old artist who studied illustration at the University of the West of England, Bristol, gained recognition as the fifth most successful artist under 40 at auction in 2020. His Instagram, @mrdoodle, and the viral stop-motion video on YouTube detailing the doodling process have captured the imagination of art enthusiasts worldwide.

Beyond the Doodle House: What’s Next?

Having conquered his Doodle House, Sam’s creative journey continues. He’s already added his artistic touch to his wife’s Tesla. He has grand plans to ‘doodle over the entire world.’ For now, the Doodle House stands as a testament to his artistic prowess. This is a place where Sam, his wife Alena, and their dog plan to make their permanent home.

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Source: [House Beautiful] Photos courtesy of [GARETH FULLER / PA IMAGES / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO /Mr. Doodle YouTube]