Planning a holiday getaway soon? Prior to your departure, make sure your home is safe and sound by implementing these handy tips.

General Preparations

Securing Entry Points: Lock windows and doors securely, and consider adding deadbolts for extra security.

Optimize energy management: Do this by unplugging non-essential electronics, adjusting thermostats, and effectively saving on utilities while maintaining a safe indoor temperature.

Water Safety: Turn off the main water supply to prevent potential leaks and install water leak sensors for added safety.

Light Control: Set timers for lights or use smart home devices to create the illusion of someone being home.


Food Management: Dispose of perishable foods and empty trash cans to prevent unpleasant odors upon your return. On the dark side, you don’t want to attract any critters either. Leave your kitchen and home spotless. It’s also lovely to come home to a clean home and relax when you are tired from traveling and see that you have no chores waiting for you to do. You can unpack and relaxed a little. The vacation you need after a vacation as they say.

Security Measures

Community Support: Inform trusted neighbors or friends about your trip for added home surveillance and mail collection. It’s always a good idea to make friends with your neighbors anyway. If you have not yet this might be a great opportunity.

Enhanced Security: Ensure security cameras are functioning correctly and consider activating a home security system for added protection.

Valuable Protection: Secure important documents and valuables in a safe to safeguard against potential break-ins.

Looking to make a move this winter? Contact us! Our expert team is eager to assist you on your exciting home-buying journey. For more tips and advice for buyers, sellers, and investors go here.